Acceptable Use


Aggregated was created to help companies see their real-time sales whenever they wanted in an easy to understand way.  It does make sense that an online store would not know how much money they made today when a brick and mortar store could look in their register whenever they wanted to.  The awesome power of ecommerce seemed to have fallen behind their physical counterparts.   Not anymore, at least in this respect.

The intent of this Policy is to make it clear to anyone who uses Aggregated what behavior or content is not acceptable for sites using our service. We will take action against sites that are discovered to be in violation of this Policy.

This Policy is a living document and will be updated as necessary. Continued use of Aggregated requires compliance with this Acceptable Use Policy as well as our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

NON-acceptable uses of Aggregated

If the content on your website contains information that is conducting or promoting any of the below, or if you intend to leverage Aggregated to do any of the below, please don’t sign up for Aggregated. If you already have an account you must stop using Aggregated on the offending site or cancel your account.

The following constitutes behavior and content that are NOT acceptable uses of Aggregated:

  • This service can not be used outside the United States of America

  • Sites performing, promoting, suggesting, or soliciting illegal activities.

  • Harassment, bullying, defamation, stalking, and threats.

  • Hateful content. A website using Aggregated must not contain content that meets the following criteria nor can an Aggregated account be used to do any of the following:

  • Promote or condone hate, violence, or discrimination against people based on race, ethnicity, color, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, medical condition, veteran status, or other forms of discriminatory intolerance.

  • Promote or support organizations, platforms or people that: (i) promote or condone such hate; or (ii) threaten or condone violence to further a cause.

  • Child exploitation, sexualization, or abuse. We don’t tolerate any activities that create, disseminate, or otherwise cause child abuse.

  • Sites selling counterfeit goods; or sites allowing, performing or facilitating any infringement of third party intellectual property rights.

  • Malware or spyware. This includes using Aggregated to inject, infect, spread, etc. malware or spyware.

  • Phishing or otherwise attempting fraud. It is not okay to lie about who you are or who you affiliate with to steal from, extort, or otherwise harm others.

  • Spamming. No one wants unsolicited emails, text, or other communication.

  • Violence, or threats thereof. This includes activities on your site that qualify as a violent crime where you live, or in Malta where Aggregated is based, or if you are leveraging Aggregated to plan, conduct, assist, commit, or threaten this kind of activity.

  • Any actions that do not support the privacy rights of an individual. This includes capturing, selling, or sharing personal data without their consent. For the purposes of clarity, other prohibited examples include doing any of the following without an end user’s consent:

  • Monitoring personally identifiable information that would allow you to gain insight into individual visitor behavior.

  • Generating leads or recovering people who have dropped off from your funnel.

  • Aiding sales teams in understanding actions taken by individuals who can be identified.

  • Capturing individuals’ data to proactively reach out to them.

It’s foreseeable that a website’s content or their use of Aggregated may extend to new areas not currently documented in this Policy. When and if this occurs we will take the same action of investigation and enforcement to determine if a site/account is acting against the spirit of this Policy. We reserve the right to do this as needed.

Reporting a concern

Do you know of a site that is violating this Policy? Or do you suspect a site might be violating the Policy? If so, please contact us so we can investigate. Simply email us at

Please share as much as you are comfortable with about the site, the content or behavior you are reporting, and how you found it. In addition to the URL, sending us screenshots is helpful since content can quickly be removed or changed.

Someone on our team will respond within two business days to let you know we’ve begun investigating. We will also contact you with the outcome of our investigation (unless you ask us not to, or we are not allowed to under law).


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